2012 goals – update

I have been trying to keep track of my goals. Regularly reminding myself of them and purposefully working toward achieving them.

I must first admit that goal #1 (read more) is a little skewed.  I finished 2 books this month I began last year.  I have started a new book and began listening to another. Bossypants is a hilarious book (listening to this one).  It is read by the author Tina Fey and she tells her own story so well.

My wonderful sister-in-law gave me a journal for my birthday, therefore I have been .  Yahoo goal #4!

I love mail.  This is one of the main reasons I added #7 (write letters).  I recently checked out a book from the library titled Good Mail Day, and I was inspired. So far I have delivered or mailed 4 letters.

This will be my 6th blog post for January. Not bad for a somewhat busy month. (goal #8)

As for reducing waste…we have only accumulated 2 bags of garbage.  I’ll try for less in February.

holy hair clips batman

We spent a relaxing night at my parents house.  I love spending time with the folks. They had just watched my nieces and I came across a few things they left behind.







and then there was this… which makes me laugh every time I see it.

Ariel with every hair clip.



Monday: MLK Jr. Day. No school.

Tuesday: Snow on and off in the morning. 2 hour delay to work, then 2 hour early release.  (Thank you Seattle School Dist)

Wednesday: Patrick’s birthday.  School canceled due to snow. Great day with the Rachel and Steve.

Thursday: School canceled due to snow. Relaxing day. And it is still snowing.

Friday: My prediction is school canceled. We’ll have to wait and see.    Just checked…School canceled!

Final report: A nearly nonexistent work week.  Patrick turned 31. Great friends. Good food. About 6 inches of snow.

Now I have to figure out what to do with another day off.

that feeling

I remember it vividly every time it snows.  That feeling.  It is difficult to explain.  A mixture of excitement, joy, anticipation, and childishness.

When I looked out the windows this morning I had that feeling.  I wanted to wake Patrick and tell him “it’s snowing”.  I chose to let him sleep while I brewed the coffee and snapped a few photos. 

We later took the short walk to Starbuck for the Sunday Times, and that feeling hit me again. Before descending the steps I stood and smiled at the white stuff falling to earth.

January – 10 on 10

ten on ten button

I love this monthly ritual of photographing my day.  Check out the 10 on 10 link to see what others are doing.

morning coffee and out the door

arrive at work

tire swing




the drive home

the power of babies

welcome to twenty twelve

Did you know that 2012 has 366 days!  That’s right folks. It’s a leap year.

It is a beautiful day in Seattle, I don’t have to return to work until Tuesday, and I am eager to blog my new year goals.

So here we go:

  1. read more
  2. deep clean the apartment
  3. get rid of things I don’t need or use
  4. journal
  5. take more photos
  6. organize and edit photos monthly
  7. write letters
  8. blog more often
  9. make a vertical garden
  10. discover more on my family tree
  11. plan a family girls get together
  12. create a packing list
  13. reduce waste
  14. clean the carpets
  15. visit friends in far places

All of the above stated goals are subject to change and interpretation.  I may add to this list as I am inspired, as well as cross of items I have completed.

I am already off to a pretty good start.  While putting away Christmas decorations and cleaning the house, Patrick and I managed to get rid of 2 huge bags of stuff (goal #3).  I have also begun to write in a journal and write letters.  Speaking of letters…if you would like to help me achieve my goal (#7), send me your address if I don’t already have it, or just leave a comment and I’ll put you on my mailing list.

Well, I hope that 2012 treats us all well. Cheers!

I decided to add a song to start the year too…